Turning Negativity into Blessings: A Yogi's Reflection on Dealing with Online Criticism
Nov 19, 2023Hey lovely yogis,
I hope this blog post finds you in a state of zen and positive energy. Today, I want to share a recent experience that shook me a bit. But reinforced the power of yoga in transforming our reactions to negativity.
So, picture this – I found myself on the receiving end of some harsh words from a yoga therapist on a public platform. Yep, you read that right. A yoga therapist using derogatory language in a public forum. Shocking, right?
Now, instead of retaliating with negativity. I took a cleansing breath and responded by private message with a simple suggestion. "Perhaps you could have said this privately instead?" It was a calm and polite response that I'm proud of. It's proof that my yoga practice is working. Shaping not just my body, but also my reactions to challenging situations. She sent me some nastier messages after this. I asked her to stop messaging me and then I blocked her.
After this unexpected encounter, I turned to my tribe of wise friends for support. They all agreed – there's a time and place for accusations, and a public platform may not be the best choice. We all need a little constructive criticism now and then, but the delivery matters.
To process the experience, I turned to my holistic toolkit.
✅ Kriya Meditation,
✅ Journaling
✅ Yin Yoga
✅ Tension & Trauma Release Exercises (TRE)
In the past, this kind of negativity might have triggered self-sabotage. ,It may have awakened deep-seated Samskaras (habits) from childhood. But not this time.
Why? Because I've come to see these experiences as blessings. They highlight our weaknesses and reveal how effective our practice is in the moment. So, next time someone throws shade your way, thank them for showing you where you can grow.
Now, here's a nugget of wisdom – if the negativity persists, embrace the power of the block button. Like I did. It's a crucial part of your self-care plan. Social media bullying has a silver lining! You have the ability to block out the noise and focus on your worth, which is far greater.
I'll admit, I've been on the other side of this, too. In my younger days, I wasn't immune to making negative comments on social media. But as we evolve in our practice, we learn to navigate these situations with grace. Nowadays, I choose to ignore posts I don't resonate with. Or at most, I provide constructive feedback privately.
Who knows what was going on with that yoga therapist? Maybe she was having a bad day?
Or perhaps she needed a bit more yoga in her life? Regardless, our yoga practice teaches us that happy people don't feel the need to attack others online.
Let's remember that yoga is about happiness. Part of that journey is recognizing when we need more yoga in our lives. When our practice is effective, we become a beacon of positivity. Thus spreading good vibes instead of negativity.
So, keep shining, beautiful souls, and let's choose happiness over hate. There is far too much hate in this world as it is. Especially with what's been happening overseas.
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